A: It's normal and common for a foster parent to fall in love with their foster dog. We're human. Trust me. It happens! When this happens and you're considering adopting your foster dog, consider asking and answering some of these questions:
1. If I adopt this dog, will I be okay if I can't save other dogs?
2. Can I truly provide the life this dog deserves?
3. Is this dog compatible with my dogs, children, and family?
4. Is this dog a fit for my life?
5. Can I afford to adopt my foster dog?
6. Will I be able to maintain this dog's medical needs?
7. Am I ready to adopt this dog right now?
8. Will I be okay with adding additional responsibilities to my life?
9. Will I be able to exercise this dog enough?
10. Do I have time to train this dog?
This list isn't fully inclusive, but I encourage you to use it to guide the processing of whether or not you should adopt your foster dog. If everything aligns, go for it! You'll be giving your foster dog a FURever home, and that is amazing!